Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

NHAI Recruitment 2022; Salary Rs.208700/- || Degree Candidates Can Apply

NHAI Recruitment 2022; Salary Rs.208700/- || Degree Candidates Can Apply: National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has invites the application for the post of Chief General Manager, Deputy General Manager and Manager. There are 34 number of vacancies for the post. The last date to apply Online is 09.03.2022 and last date to apply offline in 24.02.2022. Eligible candidates can apply for the post.

Eligibility Criteria:

Age Limit: The maximum age limit for the post is 56 years as on the last date for receipt of applications need not apply

Chief General Manager (Finance): The candidates should have completed Degree in Commerce / Accounts/Finance/ICAI/ICWAI from a recognized University /Management from a recognized University/ Institute or equivalent.

Deputy General Manager (Legal): The candidates should have completed Degree in Law from a recognized University /Institute.

Deputy General Manager (Media Relations): The candidates should have completed Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/Institute.

Manager (Technical): The candidates should have completed Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.

The salary for the post is Rs.15600/- to Rs. 208700/- per month. The selection process for the post is based on test and interview. Applicants can apply ONLINE only. The procedure to be followed for filling up the application is given below: – The applicant may visit the NHAI website www.nhai.gov.in for accessing the link for applying online. The link may be opened on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Click on the tab About Us Vacancies Current. Click on the relevant Recruitment advertisement and then click ‘Online application’. Once you click on “APPLY” system will redirect you to NHAI portal.

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