JKSSB issues Document Verification For Class IV remaining Posts 2nd list, Download Here
JKSSB issues Document Verification For Class IV Posts Phase II, Download Here
Subject: Document Verification of candidates for Class-IV posts under the Provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules 2020) for filling up of leftover vacancies-2nd phase thereof.
Whereas, the General Administration Department vide Indent No. GAD/Mtg/RB-IV/50/2020 dated 22.06.2020 requisitioned 8575 Class-IV posts pertaining to various departments for recruitment in accordance with the Provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules 2020) notified vide SO 184 of 04.06.2020 read with SO 193 dated 17.06.2020 and other relevant rules governing the subject; and
Whereas, SO 184 of 2020 dated 04.06.2020 read with SRO 99 of 2008 dated 07.04.2008 envisages that the minimum and the maximum qualification for appointment to Class-IV posts under direct recruitment shall be “Minimum Matric and maximum 10+2”; and
Whereas, the aforesaid 8575 Class-IV posts for District/Divisional/Union Territory Cadres in various Departments were advertised by the JKSSB vide Advertisement Notification No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020; and
Whereas, the Para 6 (i) of said Advertisement Notification provides that the selections under this advertisement Notification shall be in accordance with the provisions of Jammu and Kashmir Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules 2020) as notified vide SO 184 of 04.06.2020 read with SO 193 dated 17.06.2020 and para 6 (iii) provides that any candidate having his/her qualification other than prescribed shall not be eligible for Class-IV posts; and
Whereas, the sub rule (3) of rule 5 provides that the written test shall be conducted for making selections to Class-IV posts to UT Cadre/Divisional Cadre/District Cadre; and
Whereas, the JKSSB conducted OMR based written test for aforementioned posts in three batches on 27th, 28th February, 2021 & 1st of March, 2021 and tentative merit/score of candidates who appeared in the