JKSSB Class IV 2nd Shortlist released for Vacant Posts
Document Verification of candidates for Class-IV posts under the Provisions of Jammu and Kashmir.
Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment Rules 2020) for filling up of leftover vacancies-2nd phase
Whereas, the minimum and the maximum qualification for appointment to Class-IV posts under direct recruitment shall be “Minimum Matric and maximum 10+2”.
Now, therefore, in the light of the advice furnished by the General Administration Department, it has been decided by the Board to proceed further in the matter and accordingly a list of 15223 candidates in the 2nd phase of document verification (Jammu/Kashmir based candidates) who are to be considered for filling up of leftover vacancies and issuance of waiting list is hereby notified as Annexure “A” to this Notification.
The document verification of the candidates figuring in Annexure A to this notification shall be held w.e.f 17.02.2022. However, the detailed document verification schedule shall be notified separately.
Further, it is also notified that the Board if considered expedient, may call additional candidates wherever required, for filling all the advertised posts, subject to the conditions laid in the rules and opinion rendered by the
General Administration Department vide communication ibid.